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T.R.E.I.© is the brainchild of our Founder, Lusia [Lu] Donovan. After guiding many aspiring entrepreneurs over the years through the business start-up process, Lu made the decision to convert her experience, knowledge and deep network of entrepreneurs and business associates, into a nomadic hands-on experience called, The Roaming Entrepreneur Incubator© also known as T.R.E.I.© [pronounced as "Try"].

T.R.E.I.© is a unique concept in comparison to the normal run of the mill incubators or startup business mentorship/coaching programs. T.R.E.I.© brings structure to the business startup process along with actionable detailed, step-by-step guidance through our self-guided course and/or the use of our guidebook Profit Pursuit: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business, to define these key elements for each step along the way:


  • What do I need to do?

  • Why it's important to do?

  • When does it need to be done?

  • How do I get it done or do it?

T.R.E.I.© at its core is a program where ideas can be shared, feedback comes from loving and caring places, friendships are formed, and invaluable support given and received from one another on all things life throws at each entrepreneur during their unique entrepreneurial  journey.

Our T.R.E.I.© Programs are focused on empowering aspiring or newly minted entrepreneurs looking to start a business or have started a business but have gaps in knowledge and process they need help filling to move them onward in their entrepreneurial journey.

Our T.R.E.I.© Startup Accelerator is the supporting arm of  T.R.E.I.©  being made available to the public. The resources and tools developed to support the T.R.E.I.© programs were crafted by our founder and author of Profit Pursuit, Lusia Donovan. Utilizing these resources and tools along with the community support structure we are able to help entrepreneurs navigate roadblocks, launch businesses, and fill in the knowledge gaps where our members need it most.

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The Roaming


Incubator (T.R.E.I.©)

Why T.R.E.I.©?

When starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur for the first time, seeking support and help can significantly benefit your journey. Here are some reasons why we T.R.E.I.©.

1.Knowledge and Expertise

​Seeking support from experienced entrepreneurs or business mentors can provide you with valuable insights, knowledge, and expertise. They can share their experiences, offer guidance, and help you navigate common challenges, enabling you to make informed decisions.

2. Network and Opportunities

​Connecting with other entrepreneurs and like-minded individuals can expand your network and open doors to potential partnerships, collaborations, and business opportunities. Support groups, networking events, and mentorship programs can facilitate these valuable connections.

3. Emotional Support

Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster ride with highs and lows. Having a support system in place, whether it's friends, family, or fellow entrepreneurs, can provide emotional support during challenging times. They can offer encouragement, motivation, and a listening ear when you need it the most.

4. Accountability

When starting a business, it's easy to get overwhelmed or lose focus. Having someone to hold you accountable can keep you on track and ensure that you're consistently working towards your goals. This could be a mentor, a business partner, or even an accountability group.

5. Access to Resources

Seeking support can grant you access to various resources that can accelerate your business growth. This includes funding opportunities, business tools, educational materials, and industry-specific knowledge. Support networks, entrepreneurship programs, and incubators can provide access to these resources.

6. Avoiding Mistakes

Learning from the mistakes of others can save you time, money, and frustration. By seeking support, you can gain insights into common pitfalls and challenges faced by entrepreneurs, allowing you to avoid making the same mistakes and increasing your chances of success.

Students in Cafeteria


7. Validation & Feedback

Getting support can help validate your business idea and provide constructive feedback. By sharing your plans and seeking input from experienced individuals, you can refine your concept, identify potential flaws, and make necessary adjustments to increase your chances of building a successful business.

8. Building Confidence

Starting a business can be daunting, especially if you lack experience or have self-doubts. Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can boost your confidence, provide reassurance, and help you overcome the fear of taking risks.

Inner Circle

This Program is focused on minority women entrepreneurs who are looking to transition or add into their career path an entrepreneurial piece and need clear guidance on where to start and where to go next.

This T.R.E.I.© Program is a mixture of travel and online options that take our participants around the US to create a distraction free environment to work on building their business with hands-on instruction and curated workshops by our founder and guest speakers where applicable. ​

Space is limited. Get added to our mailing list to apply to our next incoming T.R.E.I.© Inner Circle Cohort.

T.R.E.I.© Local

Are you local to the Central Florida Region and want to participate in an in-person T.R.E.I.© Program? If so check out T.R.E.I.© Local where our program's T.R.E.I.© Weekends are held at various locations around the Central Florida Region.


T.R.E.I.© Local program is for all women local to the Central Florida Region who are looking to move or just recently made the move into the entrepreneurial life and need clear guidance on where to start and where to go next.

Be warned that this program may create spontaneous dinner dates, coffee meet-ups, and unplanned brainstorming sessions in the most random places.


​Space is limited. Get added to our mailing list to apply to our next incoming T.R.E.I.© Local Cohort.

Girls T.R.E.I.©

Do you have a young lady, aged 14 - 18 years old who has started a business and needs additional support and guidance or wants to learn more about starting a business? 


Girls T.R.E.I.© is a 4-week intensive, where your child will learn the tools and what is all involved in starting a business. Working with your child, we take their idea and simulate it through the T.R.E.I.© business startup method.

Girls T.R.E.I.© meets at Aviate Inn for the in-person T.R.E.I.© Days during this Summer Intensive program.


Space is limited. Get added to our mailing list to sign up your daughter for our next incoming Girls T.R.E.I.© Cohort.

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